Monday, September 05, 2005


You are about to create one of the first communities of memories that deals completely with universal ideas and events. This is the central page on which you will find exact assignments for digging up and writing down Universal Memories. This page will also be linked to all of your individual Blogs, so that we can comment on each Universal Memory as it is posted. Your main goal for this project is to reach deep into your past and pull out relevent stories told with honesty that can cast new light upon your modern day personality and life. You will learn how to write with an eye for sensory details to support your stories. You will comment on each others' experiences in such a way that it create truth for all to see. You will not settle for talking about "your favorite summer vacation" or "the person you hate most." You will see through these moments and try to find the reason for the desisions you have made. Together we will form a true community of writers, who encourage and prolong each others' craft. Each one of you will chisel out his or her own place on the internet, and because of this you will own your writing. You will reveal things, but keep them close to you. You will become concious of the things you try to hide. This is only the place to start from, where you go from here is entirely up to you.
-Mr. Wilkoff


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